I have several male friends but lately I have the feeling that a couple of them want more. They are starting to make comments and I am wondering what their intentions are. I've decided to distance myself from them but I have a feeling that I may have to end a couple of those friendships.
I've decided to cut all ties with my exes. I've deleted their numbers and asked that they not contact me anymore (especially that married one). Although I have no desire to date/sleep with them I have to admit I am guilty because I use them as time wasters. I will talk to them, hang out, etc just to pass time. All the while they are hoping for a chance. They know they don't have a chance but they are hoping to catch me in a weak moment and I tend to take advantage of that.
I think it is very sad when men and women can't be friends rather it is your ex/a childhood friend etc. I have heard men say "the only females friends they have are the ones they want to sleep with." Meaning if they get a chance they are taking it. SMH I guess I can't knock the hustle! LOL
Update from a previous blog Friendship. One of the ladies I put in the dead category has been revived. LOL The same day I posted the blog something told me to call her. When I called her we spoke about somethings that were going on and we both apologized. We decided to make sure we speak about any issue and not let obstacles or other people come in between us. I will say she is in a much better place. MORAL OF THE STORY: maybe you need to take a break, breathe and regroup to see if a friendship is worth saving!!
How do you handle male/female friendships? Exes? Any other friendship overhauls? Have you ever revived a dead friendship?!
I'm a firm believer that friends come and go. As the Bible says there is a season for everything including certain friends. There was a time when I tried to revive dead friendships but I feel like friendship is a two way street. I don't need to be the only one reaching out for reconciliation. I don't mind making the first move but after that if you don't try to make the next move, it's pretty much a done deal in my book.
Yummy I totally agree with you. I made the first move and we both are making an effort. To be honest it doesn't feel like anything happened. Only time will tell. Sometimes you need a break.
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