Monday, April 4, 2011

My First Tweet and Meet

So last Thursday I had my first Tweet and Meet with a male tweep (who I will call Twitter Boo). Being as though I am deathly afraid of internet stalkers and killers I was shocked at myself for agreeing to meet Twitter Boo.  However I am learning to relinquish all of the boundaries I have created. 

Umm my first impression of Twitter Boo is that he was tall, dark and and a cutie.  He looked liked his picture which is a good thing b/c most people use old pictures. I met Twitter Boo at his job and he decided we were having Mexican food.  The fact that HE decided where we were going was a plus and who doesn't like Mexican.

To me the conversation seemed pretty easy and I don't recall any moments were there was an awkward silence. I didn't really feel like I was meeting a stranger (I guess because we tweet ) nor did I feel the pressure of a date.  After we ate and had a couple of margaritas the tweet and meet was over.

Not sure what I thought of Twitter Boo.  I didn't leave with the feeling I had to see him again nor did I feel like I didn't want to see him again.  I'm sure if he asked I was go out with him again. *shrug*

I'm just proud that I stepped out of the box!

I'm reading: My First Tweet and MeetTweet this!


BossyGirl1980 said...

LOL...You are so brave!!!

Jocelyn said...

You are pretty adventurous. I'm glad went well but I hope you at least had someone there looking out for you just in case Twitter Boo talked a good Twitter game but turned out to be a complete nut case. Be careful lady! I am glad that you got to experience the freedom and liberation we often feel from doing something outside of the norm.

geoffzilla said...

props to ya :) sounds like a good time was had by all...

Ang said...

@ Jocelyn noooo I just went and didn't tell anyone. Don't ask me why...CRAZY...I thought about it after the fact.

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