My philosophy for dating is:
Have fun. Don't take dating to seriously. Enjoy the moment (i.e. date). I've decided to stay away from heavy conversation on the first date. No interrogating the man. Now if he offers some details I may inquire but probably not. The reason I will not get to heavy on the first date is because I may never see this man again. So I don't see the point in getting all in his business. That is a waste of my memory cells.
Don't sweat the small stuff. If he doesn't call or text when he said he will DON'T TRIP. He doesn't owe me a damn thing we are not in a relationship. As long as he is respectful then I am going to roll with it. Now if he is chronically late and never calls than that is another issue. Besides I'm known for not calling or returning text messages.
Take things slowly. No need to rush, to be honest I think it takes at the minimum six months before the representative starts to fade (fade not leave it can take up to 2 yrs for the rep to leave). So I am not trying to become exclusive with anyone before six months. I am retaining the right to be single and mingle....
Keep your options open. I am still learning this but it is the only way to be. I date other people not matter who I like the most.Until I am in a monogamous relationship I AM SINGLE so I act accordingly
Don't be too available.
Be safe. For me I only have sex with one person at a time but some people don't. Don't matter who or how many people you sleep with WRAP IT UP!!!!
Be honest about everything.
***I reserve the right to add to this list as I see fit
What is your dating philosophy?
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