
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Three Dates..One Day

Well this past Saturday I was pretty busy.  I had three dates and each were impromptu.  Saturday I was headed to Atlantic Station alone when a friend  (TD Boo) call and said he would join me. TD Boo and I have been friends for years and there is an attraction. There are a couple of reason I don't want to advance our relationship.  He is not looking for a relationship, we are friends, and we had sex years ago and I don't really remember much about it.  I feel like since my memory is foggy when it comes to our relations it must not have been that great.  Since we are now friends I don't want to mess that up.  I can't lie we have chemistry, we flirt and we can talk about anything but I'm not willing to risk our friendship or waste my time.

Date # 2 was with a really short man (Short Boo) and he is not that cute but the conversation is great.  We decided to have drinks b/c I wasn't hungry.  We drank and talked for a couple of hours. Very easy conversation. The dated ended with a goodbye and a quick hug.  A couple of hours later I received a text that said "you know I enjoyed your company! You are extremely social person with a great personality."  I took that to mean I talk too much! LMBO ( I will blog about this fool in a later post)

Date #3 was with the dickmatizor (a man who can lay the pipe).  Well I wouldn't call it a date I would just call it a hook up.  Now the dickmatizor and I have been seeing each other for about 6 months.  He is a really nice guy but we are incompatible in so many areas. Dickmatizor is also VERY busy with work so it is a bad fit other than the sex. I am currently weaning myself off him. #prayforme

Needless to say I was busy Saturday....

How was your weekend?

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Kita said...

Short boo gotta go. The first one how do you know he does not want to make it official if their chemistry plus being best friends with your man is the best thing I wish someone had told me that. Dicktamizer or whoever you call him sounds scary ask him if he has a brother. Lol

Ang said...

lol girl you are crazy...TD Boo has too many hang ups with women. he has been hurt before so i don't have time for the foolishness

Yeah the Dickmatizer has a

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