
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Workout Wednesday

131.5 lbs 4'11 which means I am about 5 lbs from being overweight.

Lose about 10 lbs and TONE TONE TONE...I would like the love handles to disappear, stomach flatter, Beyonce thighs, and Tina Turner arms....*getting depressed thinking about it* I would like to be SUPER FINE by my bday which is in August. I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE MY ASS....I LOVE IT!!! I just want to tone it.

My eating habits aren't that bad during the week but lately I have been eating huge portions. I don't think eating large portions is good even if it is veggies.  I have also started eating late at night.

For my diet I want to try the Shakeology drinks.  Yum Yucky sent me a sample of the chocolate flavor.  In theory I would like to drink them two or three times per day with one small meal. Let's see how it goes.  I am also considering the HCG diet. Only liquids after 7 pm (water or shake). Whatever I do I need to order it soon.

I suck at drinking water. My drink of preference is cranberry juice. I will go without drinking for days because I don't want water.  I have been told I need to drink half my weight in water. For me that is the recommended eight glasses...sigh I am gradually trying to get this number up.

I am not discipline in this area.  The sad part is when I am on a roll working out I can lose the weight.  So I decided to do 40 mins of cardio at the gym five days per week. I despise cardio so I split my cardio up 10 mins on each machine (rotating stairs, elliptical, treadmill and bike).  I've noticed I burn the most calories on the rotating stairs and treadmill.  I'm going to top that with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD.  This workout has 3 levels.  I am currently on level one but I hope to move to level two by next Monday.  My biggest hurdle is the upper body workouts. 

I hope to keep you updated on my journey to lose weight! I am hoping to treat myself with a super sexy photoshoot once I've reached my goald and MAINTAINED it.

What are you doing to lose weight?!
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Kita said...

Not a thing. I have started walking 2 miles twice a week but thats about it. I drink water at night so that I can make myself drink more of it. When I first started I put lemon in my water to help with the taste and gradually I was able to move away from the water. Good luck in your weight loss I think I am loosing also even though I am not doing anything (eating less)my pants are falling off of me.

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