
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Relationship Status

So let me start this by saying I am not the girl who has always envisioned a wedding. Mainly because I grew up in a single parent home (both parents were very active... read abt my daddy ) so I don't feel like I missed anything. Anyone that knows me will cosign I am much more concerned with being a mother than a wife. Which is why I decided I would adopt once I finished nursing school. If a man can fit into MY plan that's cool if not oh well....has always been my approach.

Now in my prior relationships I never thought about marriage. The men were usually Mr. Right Now because there was no way in hell I would have married any of them. My outlook on relationships has always been "when this ends" and like I stated in a previous blog I haven't not really been IN LOVE. Just long term relationship until they ran their course.  After my last relationship I knew I wanted to be in love but was not sure how I would achieve it. I really wanted my heart to play a major role in my next relationship. Not my head or the fact that I hate dating. In order to fall in love I feel like you must relinquish some control and I have issues with that

 Well peeps my new man has changed that. I was introduced to him via my BFF which makes things so much easier. We've only been talking a month and both of us are smitten with each other. The first thing that I liked about him was that he takes being a father serious. For those that know me know I don't do deadbeat or part time dads. That gets a HELL NO from me. Next, our conversations are easy and honest. This man can COMMUNICATE I don't have to wonder what in the hell is he thinking. For instance, I normally date other people while getting to know someone but he politely let me know he was not comfortable with that. Now in my years of dating most men go with the flow whether they want to or not. So to have a man state what he wants is very refreshing. He also let me know I will not talk to him crazy. Yeah I can be real flip at the mouth and some men just roll with it but not this one. WILL THE REAL MEN PLEASE STAND UP!! I like how when he was not in a good place he said one of the things that helped him was church. There is nothing sexier than a man that goes to church and encourages his woman to do the same. He encourages me to study for school because he doesn't want me to struggle later. I can go on and on about the guy but I'm not (maybe later).

I will end this by saying for the first time I actually thinking and hoping for a future. I may actually build something with a mate versus creating my own family by adopting. It's exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time.  It does require me to give up some control but I don't mind at all.

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BossyGirl1980 said...

Congrats chica! I wish you the best..

kita said...

Awww. I wish you the best. By the way does he have a brother? Just playing *naw really does he*

The Socialite Chronicles said...

He sounds like a keeper. I pray that things work out for the two of you.

ameena said...

congrats and good luck. Pls dont take this as pessimistic but just want to be real: date for seasons, its only been a month and folks are usually ALL GOOD for the first few months. If he's still doing and saying all the right things after 6 -9 months...then you've got yourself a keeper!

Laila @OnlyLaila said...

Awwww! I am so happy for you! It feels good to have a man who knows how to act! Wishing both of ya'll the best.

Ang said...

Thanks for your well wishes everyone.

@ameena I understand how long we have been dating and i aslo understand people. at 32 i am very careful and cautious. however i am also learning to relinquish control and open my heart. whatever happens good or bad im a big girl and will be okay!

Candace (NYStateofMom) said...

CONGRATS!! When its a good man (so far so good) giving up some control is FINE! So happy for both of you, wishing you all the best and positive marriage vibes~~~~ :-)

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