
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Month, New Outlook, New Goals

Well I have not posted for awhile because I have been in Nashville, TN with my sweetie. He and I are new and I wanted to spend time with him before I head off to school. After one month of being together it is safe to say we still get along. We've only had two disagreements. I think that is really good for two people who met two months ago! During this month he met my family and I met his mom. Everything is moving along nicely. The disagreements we had are something that we are working on but nothing to throw in the towel about. Unfortunately our time together must end because I will be going to nursing school 7 hours away. Which means we will be long distance. We plan on seeing each other on the weekends (2 or 3 per month). It is only for 18 months so I am sure we will work through it.

August 15th I officially begin my career change. I start nursing school at a college in the country. This experience is exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. I have to live 3 hours from my home four days per week. I will be living on campus (something I didn't do when I went to college the first time). I am going to be completely uncomfortable but I am hoping to learn patience, discipline, and most importantly the skills I need to become a successful RN. I am going to try to get on a schedule that will consist of working out, studying, blogging and getting my spiritual life back on track. I have been off balance in ALL those areas.

Working out has been a joke in my world and I actually feel BAD about it. I really would like to lose 13lbs TODAY! So I must get back in the groove. I plan on using the facilities at my school along with some workout tapes I have. I am praying for discipline. I've joined the "Finish What You Started Challenge" with Yum Yucky . I am hoping my twitter friends and family will keep me motivated. Diet is not my problem but when it comes to being active I SUCK!

Blogging...Well I have several blogs that I do not post on. This is the only blog I use and as you know I don't do it often. I've decided to ditch my other blogs except for KissNmakemeup. However some of my post may overlap. I hope to start vlogging at some point but I am not feeling it at the moment.

Sorry for the long post I hope to keep them shorter in the future
I'm reading: New Month, New Outlook, New GoalsTweet this!


LaShawn Wiltz said...

Nursing school is a challenge but you will be fine!!! Glad you and your sweetie had a good month!

kita said...

You blogged *shocked*. I am glad you all are doing good.Focus is good and I think you will gain a lot by being focus. I wish you much success in school and your future endeavors.

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