
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Teach Me Tuesday

So many of my Tweetie Pies have been very supportive of my decision to go back to school to obtain a second degree.  This is a big step for me because I will be living on campus. In an effort to keep my Tweetie Pies current on my new adventure I have decided to post every Tuesday what I've learned and my experiences this time around.  I hope this will help anyone who is contemplating going back to school or who needs to make a change...

New Readers please read New Month, New outlook, New Goals to learn about my new adventure.

To save some time and energy I've decided to wear scrubs everyday. This will prevent me from worrying about outfits and all that mess. I will take accessories and make up!

The picture below is of the stuff I plan on taking to school. I'm not even done yet!.....Sigh
I'm reading: Teach Me TuesdayTweet this!


Ghostwriter28 said...

Best of luck to you as a student again - and have fun getting all of that stuff packed for campus, consider it your 1st exam, lol...

kita said...

Congrats to you. You will be fine you know the ropes of college so it should be a breeze.

Ang said...

Thanks you all!

Jocelyn said...

Congrats and wishing you lots of success. Looking forward to hearing about school.

Daenel T. said...

Good luck, lady! I loved being a student and I hope you'll enjoy it too.

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