
Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Effects of Having a Father

I will be the first to say I have an excellent father. He is a man that takes his job as a parent seriously.  My mother left my dad when I was five years old. When she decided to leave that meant taking his children away (from IN to GA).  To be honest he did not want a divorce but she was not hearing it. He was devastated but was determined in being in our lives. Through phone calls and visits he was able to form a bond with my sister and I.

My father did and still does go above and beyond financially. However the times we need him most he is there. He has never missed and important date in our life. When my mom was dying he flew from Singapore to make sure we were okay. He actions outweigh any check or item he has ever given us.
However I often wonder if having such a wonderful father is a curse. Although I don't expect a man to be where my father is financially I do have high expectations.  I expect a man to be consistent, caring, God fearing, honest, the head of the family, etc. If I meet a man that has children be MUST be an ACTIVE father. By active I mean physically, emotionally, and financially available to his children. It is not okay to be a every other weekend father in the same city. It is not acceptable to behind on child support. It is not acceptable to not see ur child because you have issues with the mom.

As I often wonder is my dad a blessing or a curse. I always come away with the same answer he is a blessing. If it weren't for him I would not know what a man' s role is in his family. He has given me standards and I will be forever grateful.
I'm reading: The Effects of Having a FatherTweet this!


Unknown said...

No! I think it is good to have standards!! Otherwise you accept things less than what you deserve. My Dad was not in my life until I was 18 - him and my mom had problems, and he didn't even fight for me. For a long time I did not have a 'standard' for a man. It wasn't until I had been dragged through the mud and survived that I realized - oh - that's not the type of man I want. But what did I do? I to chose a man who doesn't take care of his child, or see his child, because of issues with me. Fortunately, I married a man who is a wonderful Dad to my child - but many people may not be that lucky. You are good! Your standards are fine!

When you get a chance check me out on - and click on Happy Daddy Day - it's a good topic!!

Jocelyn said...

Good job dad...where you ever able to find out why your mom wanted the divorce? Not asking you to tell the reason, but just wondering. I think having a good dad is only a blessing and if you helps you have a high standard for the man in your life then your daddy has done an excellent job!

Ang said...

Jocelyn they both were young and not ready. I will say they handled the situation with grace. neither bad mouth each other. I didn't learn specifics until I was a teenager and already had my opinion of them.

@Sadi i'm checking your blog out know

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