How long should the panties stay up?! Great question. I have heard so many responses when I asked single men and women their thoughts on the topic.
One male friend said "if a woman is not giving me any within 30 days then I'm cutting her off." Now this is CRAZY. My response is what do you know about a person in 30 days that will make you risk your life (HIV), health (STDs), and risk impregnating a FREAKING STRANGER!!! He feels like why waste so much time getting to know a person and the sex ends up being WACK.
His response hit home because I wasted plenty of time 9 months or longer keeping my panties on and when I finally let them down #EPICFAIL. Then I am attached because he is a great guy. Well great guy and bad sex/little dick don't last long (at least not for me). If I would have dropped my panties sooner I could have chucked him the deuces and saved tons of time.
I've never had a one night stand or sex on the first date for that matter. The times I had sex early (second date) I was not disappointed nor did I feel like I wasted time. One turned into a long term relationship and the other was a boo! Either way I was not mad. So I totally get the the longer you wait it is a strong possibility that you will be disappointed.
Sex is very important to me in a relationship. Whether I drop the panties sooner or later I need him to have his bedroom game on point.
As long you are having sex because YOU want to and you are responsible DO YOU!
When do you think it is too soon to drop the panties?!
I think it's up to the individual to decide what is and/or isn't too soon. My husband and I started dating a couple weeks after the first time we had a roll in the hay (had sorta known each other 4 months at that point) and his game was, well, on point. We clicked immediately both in the bedroom and out. After only 6 months together we married and we are happy.
By society's standards yes that is fast but we've been married 7 months and getting better. While we struggle and argue like every couple we are committed to making things work out, no matter how difficult.
For me, dropping the panties happened when I felt comfortable. That could be after a week or after a few months. In many cases, never. I've never gone and behaved like a skeazy gal just giving it up for any guy but I've never been a total prude either.
When it comes to sex I'm all about an individual's choice. I don't condone sleeping with the whole neighborhood but as long as it's not affecting me, it's not my business or place to judge.
Great post! Thanks for sharing!
Well the Bible states.....oh you don't want to hear that. LMBO I think it depends on the person. I think you should know the person for a while before having sex once you have sex it changes the relationship sometimes for the best other times for the worst. I can't answer this because I know how I was back in my younger days but as I get older I realize to much disease and stuff out their to be sleeping around with just any ole body.
LMBO at Kita's first sentence!!! But I totally agree...its up to you and when you are comfortable. And its between you and the other person, one person you may have felt comfortable with after a few weeks and another person after a few months. I dont think you can get a set answer for every person.
While I believe sex is important in any relationship, you don't think you could have worked with him in that department? Was the sex really the kill all? I've heard other woman say that and it does fascinate me. There aren't a lot of great guys out there. Wouldn't you think it's about quality and not quantity? It's guys out there hung like a horse and last 30 seconds? Please tell me your thoughts on this.
Lol at attorney to be. I prefer big penis over small or alright. Especially if we are talking long term relationship or marriage. I'm not signing up for anything less. I will cheat if I do. As far as how long he can go....I can work with that if he finishes quick. Size prevails in my world
How would Jesus answer this?? Oh does that fall under the Bible?? lol Seriously though I struggled with pre-marital sex because I couldn't get stuck with a dud for FOREVER??!?!?!? lol I remember being head over heels in love with my 1st and remembering thinking "This is it??" Very disappointing because he was 6'9, 220lb, basketball player from Harlem- you're expecting the WORLD and what happened? Ummmm Can you imagine living with that FOREVER??!? I think once you get to know him and medical background and he's "long-term" potential then safely drop em! lol
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