In the past couple of weeks I have read and watched on television some high profile women experiencing the ultimate betrayal. The first was the Shania Twain incident and now Arnold Schwarzenegger . Now women may be trained or willing to accept that men will cheat and if they choose to forgive that is their decision. However when the other woman is a friend, family member, associate, etc it is just plain wrong. I WOULD KILL A B!SH!!
Let's visit Shania's story. Her best friend the person she confided in about EVERYTHING was screwing her husband. Shania said she would talk to the woman about her marriage and that she felt something was wrong. This skank would tell Shania everything is okay it's your imagination. Then the lady wasn't woman enough to give her an explanation when Shania found out about the affair. I WOULD KILL A B!SH!
Arnold Schwarzenegger this MF has some nerve. Not only did he cheat he fathered a child with a freaking maid. That is not even the worse part. He allows the skank to keep working in the same house as his wife. ULTIMATE DISRESPECT!! Paying her a salary and child support all while his wife doesn't know. I am sure Maria met this child and was very friendly to this skank. From my understanding the hoe "retired" and received a severance package. I WOULD KILL A B!SH!
In my personal experiences I've had two friends sleep with a guy I was dating (the same guy). The funny thing is I was not surprised about one of the females because she was a whore and jealous. The other female took me completely by surprise (not sure why because her past was questionable). Ironically the guy in the situation confessed/apologized but the skanks still deny it. This other young lady was trying to be my friend and sleep with a guy I was dating. Well I politely called her AT WORK and said the following "I don't mind you trying to fuck my man because he is a good man. You trying to be my friend and do it will get you an ass whooping." I was nineteen or twenty at the time #dontjudgeme. She was so scared that she wouldn't even look in his direction. I ALMOST KILLED A B!SH!!
At this point I keep the men in my life private. There is only one person I trust around the men in my life. PERIOD
What I don't understand is how do females even get in these situations. My best friend already knows I don't want to meet someone she likes because they are irrelevant. If we ever meet I don't want his number, email, facebook or twitter accounts. Some things are just out of order. If ANY man she was dealing with even tried to call me I would immediately let her know (unless he was planning a surprise). So how in the world are all these women sleeping with their friends husbands, boyfriends, and hell even a jumpoff. Why do they even have access to their mates. Some people are just off limit!!
Yes the man took the vows and made the promise blah blah blah.... Women need to get more respect period.
I feel like this I can get another hubby, house, car, marriage, etc. I am not sure if I would ever be able to get another best friend. I am not sure if I would ever want to open myself up to another female in that way again. Even if I did I would be giving her ass the side eye.
What are your thoughts?! Sorry for the language but this pisses me off!!
Where do I start. I have an associate I know she is a whore she tries to email my hubby even now behind my back. I keep my man away from her because I know how she is. It's a shame that not only did arnold sleep with another women but the maid and had a baby. I know maria is pissed off but sadly this is what men do all day everyday he was just in the public eye. I think that if your own man is bold enough to sleep with your friend then he should be held accountable if you that grimmy. *I wonder if Arnold used viagra to get it up cause he old as hell thats probly the best he could do was a maid*
lmao only your butt would be talking about viagra. have you checked the skank abt emailing ur hubby.
The whole thing with Maria and Arnold is sad. It is truly worse because he slept with someone who lived in his home and then continue to employ this woman. There are times when people cheat and at least try to hide it but to have it in your face every day, is just beyond imaginable. Unfortunately, these are the times we live in and these are what a lot of men are truly about.
I will say this. I'm not sure about keeping my man away from anyone. If a person is going to cheat, he/she will do it regardless. I don't care how much a person tries to keep someone away. Not only that, any woman who is trying to sleep with my man is not my associate or anything else. We all handle situations differently but I know that if my man didn't put a stop to someone emailing him, I would look at him with a *side eye.*
Loving this post. I have been in a situations where 'friends' have had some situation with my man. I had a co-worker that was interested in every man I dated. Needless to say, I almost tried to kill her at work while I was 7 months pregnant and wound up going into early labor. So, I FEEL YOU, kill that B!SH!!!!!!! Hate slimy a$$ b!#*hes. With a passion. Yes, keep your man to yourself. Boyfriends, husbands, whoever because people are just low down. UGH...
I agree not only would I of killed Arnold but I would of whipped that maid's ass..STAT! I am very picky about who I bring around my family..PERIOD. Some women are so jealous to see another woman happy they WILL DO ANYTHING to take away that happiness. I have seen numerous women try and holla at my husband..he is a cutie but me and him have an understanding..he SHUT THEM DOWN or I clown on both..LOL... And Kita I wondered the same thing!
Girl I have her ass was like I just wanted to ask him a question and I thought we all were friends so I thought it was ok. I have known this bish for years so nothing she does surprises me I don't know why I keep her around I think it's because when all of my other so called friends left me when my mom died she was the only one who stood by me. I guess I feel guilty about dithching her behind but I know her so I don't let her aorund my hubby alone at all.
LMBO!! I totally agree, yes the man made the vows and his level of a$$ whooping would be different but women need to have some level of respect if not for themselves then for the wife. How are you really living in my house, on my dime, listening to my stories, and laying up with MY man?!?! Really??? Oh ok, come on over so I can cook you something...whores
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