Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lesson Learned

So I reluctantly went on a trip with a friend for her birthday. I initially had reservations about going because of the age difference and there were going to be couples on the trip. I went because the birthday girl is a really good person and I love her like a sister.

Well I get there and and everything is cool until we get on the beach. Birthday girl starts complaining about it being hot and how she hates the beach*blank stare* she planned the trip. So we leave the beach to start getting ready for her birthday dinner. The restaurant and food was really nice. However the convo was BORING and you can tell when people are trying to out do each other. Well I ate and left after I paid my tab.

Saturday I started my day early because I didn't want to be with them. I had a great breakfast and spent 6 hrs on the beach....relaxing in the sun. Birthday girl called a couple of times but she was shopping and I had not interest in shopping.

That evening the three of us went to dinner (bday girl, her hubby and I) and her sister joined us later. OMG!! She and I (the sister) almost come to blows and we ALL got kicked out the restaurant.  Birthday girl is crying and super pissed. Needless to say we never made it to any clubs and I feel like I wasted my money.

I learned follow your right mind and don't travel with people you don't know.

I'm blogging from my phone for the first time I'm getting adjusted.
I'm reading: Lesson LearnedTweet this!


kita said...

Always follow your gut. I told you bout them older people they old. I am glad you got out of town though thats the good part about it.

K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy said...

Oh wow. I agree that you should always follow your gut.

PhotoStory Collections said...

How do you plan a trip to Miami and hate the beach??? Crazy thing is I just got invited to a similar bday trip for July where I only the bday girl and her boyfriend (a little) but there are going to be about 11 other people I don't know...sorry you had bad company but at least you got to relax.

TheProDiva said...

Sorry you had a jacked up vaca! I never travel with folks I don't know...too much potential drama!

Unknown said...

Wow, i have done that before, yes trust your first gut!!!!

BossyGirl1980 said...

Been there..done that..Never again. I went with a hater (a friend of my line sister) to Miami.. That gal got on my nerves.. Yes Follow your gut!!

Jocelyn said...

I have never gone on vacation with the girls. I've been asked, but something tells me my tolerance for all of that estrogen wouldn't be very high. I was hoping you were going to say that all in all you did make it a point to enjoy yourself. Nothing like wasted money and wasted time. Sorry girl!

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