Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I had a couple of my tweetie pies inquire about my hotel while in Miami.  Let me start by saying I was completely nervous about staying in this hotel.  I normally prefer four stars but due to me procrastinating I had to book this hotel (it was close to the hotel my friend was staying in).  The price was great $240 for two night (Friday and Saturday night).
I stayed at Beach Paradise on Ocean Drive.  The location was great! Upon arriving the lobby was decent and the staff was SUPER nice!

The man at the desk no clue what his name was

The room was recently remodeled and clearly didn't match the outside or the lobby.  I was pleasantly surprised.

Location across from the beach. Near tons of restaurants and shopping.

No microwave in the room
No fridge in the room
No wifi in the room
Cheap sheets ( I sleep on expensive sheets so I had a hard time getting adjusted)

Would I stay there again?? Yeah if I was in a pinch or on a budget.

Would I recommend this hotel? Yeah for someone traveling on a budget/ first time to Miami and in a pinch

At the end of the day you don't spend that much time in your room.

For breakfast I ate at a little spot around the corner that had the best croissants for about $5.95. They were huge and I couldn't finish it by myself.

Cutie who served me breakfast...hehe

Well I am tired of typing so I hope this helps ya'll.

Travel Club

After my horrible trip to Miami I realized how much I missed traveling.  I use to go on a vacation once a year and I can not remember the last time I did that.  The biggest reason I stopped traveling is because my friends normally didn't have funds.  One of my favorite bloggers Haute Travels suggested I  go on a solo trip, I have to admit I''m scared but on the verge of trying it.

So I am thinking of starting a traveling club. I would like to go on about three trips per year:
  • Some place within the U.S. (Maine is high on the list I heard it is beautiful)
  • An island
  • International trip
If any of you think this is a good idea please comment. I would love to start planning.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lesson Learned

So I reluctantly went on a trip with a friend for her birthday. I initially had reservations about going because of the age difference and there were going to be couples on the trip. I went because the birthday girl is a really good person and I love her like a sister.

Well I get there and and everything is cool until we get on the beach. Birthday girl starts complaining about it being hot and how she hates the beach*blank stare* she planned the trip. So we leave the beach to start getting ready for her birthday dinner. The restaurant and food was really nice. However the convo was BORING and you can tell when people are trying to out do each other. Well I ate and left after I paid my tab.

Saturday I started my day early because I didn't want to be with them. I had a great breakfast and spent 6 hrs on the beach....relaxing in the sun. Birthday girl called a couple of times but she was shopping and I had not interest in shopping.

That evening the three of us went to dinner (bday girl, her hubby and I) and her sister joined us later. OMG!! She and I (the sister) almost come to blows and we ALL got kicked out the restaurant.  Birthday girl is crying and super pissed. Needless to say we never made it to any clubs and I feel like I wasted my money.

I learned follow your right mind and don't travel with people you don't know.

I'm blogging from my phone for the first time I'm getting adjusted.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Woud Kill A B*%$H

Disclaimer there is some profanity in this blog...
In the past couple of weeks I have read and watched on television some high profile women experiencing the ultimate betrayal.  The first was the Shania Twain incident and now Arnold Schwarzenegger .  Now women may be trained or willing to accept that men will cheat and if they choose to forgive that is their decision.  However when the other woman is a friend, family member, associate, etc it is just plain wrong.  I WOULD KILL A B!SH!!

Let's visit Shania's story. Her best friend the person she confided in about EVERYTHING was screwing her husband. Shania said she would talk to the woman about her marriage and that she felt something was wrong.  This skank would tell Shania everything is okay it's your imagination.  Then the lady wasn't woman enough to give her an explanation when Shania found out about the affair. I WOULD KILL A B!SH!

Arnold Schwarzenegger this MF has some nerve. Not only did he cheat he fathered a child with a freaking maid. That is not even the worse part.  He allows the skank to keep working in the same house as his wife.  ULTIMATE DISRESPECT!! Paying her a salary and child support all while his wife doesn't know. I am sure Maria met this child and was very friendly to this skank.  From my understanding the hoe "retired" and received a severance package.  I WOULD KILL A B!SH!

In my personal experiences I've had two friends sleep with a guy I was dating (the same guy).  The funny thing is I was not surprised about one of the females because she was a whore and jealous.  The other female took me completely by surprise (not sure why because her past was questionable).  Ironically the guy in the situation confessed/apologized but the skanks still deny it. This other young lady was trying to be my friend and sleep with a guy I was dating.  Well I politely called her AT WORK and said the following "I don't mind you trying to fuck my man because he is a good man. You trying to be my friend and do it will get you an ass whooping." I was nineteen or twenty at the time #dontjudgeme.  She was so scared that she wouldn't even look in his direction. I ALMOST KILLED A B!SH!!

At this point I keep the men in my life private.  There is only one person I trust around the men in my life. PERIOD

What I don't understand is how do females even get in these situations.  My best friend already knows I don't want to meet someone she likes because they are irrelevant.  If we ever meet I don't want his number, email, facebook or twitter accounts. Some things are just out of order.  If ANY man she was dealing with even tried to call me I would immediately let her know (unless he was planning a surprise).  So how in the world are all these women sleeping with their friends husbands, boyfriends, and  hell even a jumpoff.  Why do they even have access to their mates.  Some people are just off limit!!

Yes the man took the vows and made the promise blah blah blah.... Women need to get more respect period.

I feel like this I can get another hubby, house, car, marriage, etc. I am not sure if I would ever be able to get another best friend. I am not sure if I would ever want to open myself up to another female in that way again.  Even if I did I would be giving her ass the side eye.

What are your thoughts?!  Sorry for the language but this pisses me off!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

When Should the Panties Drop

Disclaimer: Please keep the Bible out of the comments.  I am clear what the Bible states. I was raised in the church and know sex before marriage is a no, no. I struggle with pre martial sex but this article is not about the Bible...Thanks in advance!

How long should the panties stay up?! Great question.  I have heard so many responses when I asked single men and women their thoughts on the topic.

One male friend said "if a woman is not giving me any within 30 days then I'm cutting her off." Now this is CRAZY.  My response is what do you know about a person in 30 days that will  make you risk your life (HIV), health (STDs), and risk impregnating a FREAKING STRANGER!!!  He feels like why waste so much time getting to know a person and the sex ends up being WACK. 

His response hit home because I wasted plenty of time 9 months or longer keeping my panties on and when I finally let them down #EPICFAIL.  Then I  am attached because he is a great guy.  Well great guy and bad sex/little dick don't last long (at least not for me).  If I would have dropped my panties sooner I could have chucked him the deuces and saved tons of time.

I've never had a one night stand or sex on the first date for that matter. The times I had sex early (second date) I was not disappointed nor did I feel like I wasted time.  One turned into a long term relationship and the other was a boo! Either way I was not mad. So I totally get the the longer you wait it is a strong possibility that you will be disappointed.

Sex is very important to me in a relationship. Whether I drop the panties sooner or later I need him to have his bedroom game on point.

As long you are having sex because YOU want to and you are responsible DO YOU! 

When do you think it is too soon to drop the panties?!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Let's just say I have only caught someone cheating once.  Go over to Bossy Girl for the details. Now I have dated people who I was 99.9% sure they weren't faithful but it wasn't in my face.  So we remained on a don't ask don' tell policy.  At the end of the day I don't think I gave a damn.*shrug*

My uncle often told me ALL men cheat but when yours cheat you have to decide if he is worth keeping.  He believes if a woman's only issue is her man cheating every once in a while AND he is handling all his business at home she needs to get over it.  She could possibly leave her man get another one that WILL cheat, not work, not pay bills, or do stuff around the house.  I hate to admit it but I kinda agree.  I'm not saying it is okay to cheat but I don't think cheating is a reason to end a relationship.

If the cheating was only sex I would like to think I would eventually be able to move past it.  Now if he was in love and carrying on a relationship I sure I would dismiss him.  I don't want to think about him creating a child or bringing home a STD.  Those are immediate deal breakers.

I am going to piss some women off with what I am about to say but oh well. I would ask myself why did he cheat was there anything I was or was not doing to push him away. Too many times I hear women say they aren't sleeping with their men.  Sometimes women will completely let themselves go and think it is okay because the had a kid or two. They treat the men like their son instead of their man.  I can go on and on. Don't get me wrong SOME not all men are straight hoes but there are a few who genuinely make a mistake.

What are your thoughts on cheating?  Can you forgive your mate for cheating?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Single Until Married

When I tell people "I am single until married" they are often confused.  Especially when I tell this to my significant other.  So I thought I would take the time to break down what this means TO ME!

Single until married means stay in your lane. Perform the duties that go along with your title. If you are not sure of the duties you should perform keep reading.

When dating you are SINGLE and you should be your only priority.  Therefore you really shouldn't (well I don't) do anything unless you want to. No need to compromise. If he can't get with you or you can't get with him tell him "we're incompatible." No need to waste your time.  I was once told "dating in like  American Idol let the best man win" That is the now my motto.

This is really tricky for most people. However this is the area were the boundaries need to be set. If not you will find yourself performing wife duties and your just a girlfriend.  When I am in a relationship I am still SINGLE (there is no box for go together) but I have made a conscious decision to be monogamous. This does not mean I am washing your clothes, cooking you dinner, cleaning your house, picking up your dry cleaning, helping you pay bills, etc.  At the same time I am not asking a man to cut my grass, move furniture, etc. I have family and male friends for that. 

Women tend to take the title has girlfriend and go over board.  I learned the hard way not to do that.  If you are doing ALL that and not his wife why should he marry you.  I will tell a man I'm in a relationship with "oh I don't do any of that. If that is what you want WE ARE INCOMPATIBLE." Don't get me wrong I will let him know I can cook, clean, etc. I may help with run an errand but it is when it is convenient for me and not because it's my job.  I am doing it because he is the BOMB and I want to surprise my baby! I've found that he appreciates it a lot more when I do on my time and not his.

When in a committed relationship I am faithful but not a dummy.  At the end of the day my options are always open. Meaning I keep male friends and will make new male friends. I do not believe in closing myself off just because we go together. #chileplease

At this point in my life if a man wants me acting like his wife he needs to put a ring on it!

What are your duties in the above roles? Do you agree or disagree?