Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Learning To Say No...Rant

I have serious problem of not being able to say NO to my friends. I can be mean and cold to a lot of people but if your my friend and you need something I will try to help you.  This is starting to cause me much stress and strife in my life.  I often end up more stressed and frustrated by helping the person. 
I am currently feeling like I need to change in this area ASAP! It is causing me too much stress and I don't need it with me going back to school. I've decided to change my number the day after my birthday. This will get the last of the leeches out of my life. This will give me the opportunity to focus on school and my personal business which is unraveling as I type. 

I am seriously SICK OF PEOPLE CALLING ME WITH THEIR PROBLEMS. Especially when they can't do shit for me if I need to ever call them.


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Anonymous said...

It is tough being the person everyone goes to because it does begin to weigh you down. However, it sounds like you have reached a point where you need to free yourself. It is okay to say no. It really is, you have to decide you or them. True friends and family will respect it.

Yakini said...

It's hard saying "no." I've definitely gotten better with age but, as you've stated, it's still challenging when saying this to friends as opposed to strangers!

Anonymous said...

I blogged about this same thing a few months ago. I'm learning that I need to say "no" and it is hard because I always want to help everybody...I've learned that even SuperWoman had friends.

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