There seems to be a craze with this natural hair thing and I don't get it. I'm not sure why anyone would want to walk around with nappy hair especially in the Georgia heat (when your roots swell up it looks like a bad hat on your head). Nor do I understand some women who feel they are more black or more in touch with their authentic self b/c they have nappy hair. Lastly why bother getting your hair pressed every week when (to train your hair)... just do us all a favor and GET A PERM.
There is also the group of people who believe natural hair is healthier. How many of you have seen a natural head that is broke off? That is a disaster !!! From what I've been told by several stylist natural hair often needs more attention. Don't ask me why but I'm guessing because it is nappy...*kanye shrug*
Now I do have a group of friends that are natural but it is only b/c perms irritate their scalp. They often tell me it is highly overrated.
What do you think about this natural hair craze?!!
Have you have seen an unhealthy head of permed hair! Everybody makes their own decision. I could care less. I have been permed and I am now natural. I prefer my natural hair over my permed anyday but thats me.I'm not sure either why everyone gets their panties all in a bunch. I understand people who wish to embrace their hair in its most natural state ( as you say nappy) there is something liberating in not having to change what God gave you but finding a way to work with it despite what others think.
Again, its a decision. Only head of hair I am worried about is mine! Mimi I agree.. I went natural because my hair was thin and just not healthy..I love my hair natural but it is a personal choice...
I'm not sure it's a craze as much as it's women embracing and accepting what they were born with and understanding that there's nothing wrong with it. I want to go natural myself for different reasons. I wasn't born with relaxed hair and historically I understand why the first "relaxers" came to be: a lard mixture was created by slaves to make their hair straight so they could look more European and "acceptable" to their masters. They were trying to assimilate. That didn't sit too well with me after reading about it. I'm not saying that's why women relax their hair now but that's where it comes from. We've been taught since way back then to be ashamed of our coily, kinky, nappy hair as if something was wrong with it. I guess compared to limp, oily, stringy hair it would look like something was wrong but it's not. In any case, eventually I do want to go natural, for these other reasons as well: I have very sensitive skin and sometimes it's pure torture getting my hair relaxed and yes, I will feel more connected to who I am as a Black woman.
P.S. I think you can have unhealthy hair no matter what state it's in. It's all in how you keep up with it. I'm sure wearing what you were naturally born with versus chemically altering it is probably more healthy, hands down.
Girl I feel you! I have been Team Creamy Crack since I was 9. I also noticed that so many of the women I am surrounded by have decided to go natural, and they are determined to make me do the same. I just can't do it! In any event, I don't have a problem with natural hair. I think it can be beautiful when maintained properly. I also do not have a problem with permed hair. It also can be beautiful when taken care of. It's a choice, and I choose the creamy crack! Love your blog!
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