
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Workout update

The week of 1/3/11 I started my workouts with Ellen and Lana Ector of Gymnetics.  I am pleased to say I was pleasantly surprised upon arrival.  I was surprised because there was NO black on black crime. SN: black on black crime is when I attempt to do business with a black owned company and it goes WRONG. 

Back to the story

I was not shocked at my initial weigh in because I weigh myself daily. Here are my stats: 136 lbs and I am 4'11. By the white people standards I am overweight but who cares. I was so glad when she said we will keep my hips, butt and breast. I ♥ my curves and don't want to see them go. We both agreed I will try to lose 10 lbs and tone tone tone.  I am waiting for the day my thighs are once again enemies.

My initial goal was to workout 4 days per week but I only made three workouts. The workouts consist of cardio, weights, crunches, squats, and lunges. I was never bored and the time went by fast.

Week of 1/10/11 IT ALL WENT TO HELL.  The ice storm in GA messed me all up. I ate BAD, I drank BAD, and I didn't workout...sigh.  I haven't done a damn thing. I keep telling myself I will do something but I can't get out of the bed...I hope to redeem myself Friday-Sunday.

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BossyGirl1980 said...

Things will get better! Stay determined! I wish I had signed up for their special :-(

Ang said...

I am hoping they run the special again in Feb b/c that is the only way I can afford them. If not there is a great bootcamp near Cascade that I am going to sign up for.

BossyGirl said...

Hey let me know! I live near that area...what's the name of it???

Kita said...

Oh wow you said black on black crime love it. I have tried to loose weight since 2008 and it has never worked I start off good then I fall off. You have to be my motivation so you gotta keep going. I am severly obese (I am too embarrased to give weight out)and I want to do something but lack motivation.

Ang said...

@ Fran okay the boot camp is SWATATL...I will update the blog when he starts back up

@kita don't be ashamed by your weight..just start doing something about it. I am not going to lie I am not overweight and never have been. But I have friends that are. They made a decision when they were ready and has been doing a good job keeping it off. Start slow i.e change your diet, short walks, etc...then kick it up a notch...find a partner or a club YOU CAN DO IT!
Lastly if you really can't keep it off get gastric bypass I have two friends that went that route! Just make sure your doing if for you!xoxoxo

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