Week of the 17th I worked out will Ellen and Lana Ector twice. They kicked my butt as usual. I really enjoy my workouts with them. I am not an outside person but they do some of the workouts outside. I REALLY enjoyed being outside and the change of pace from the gym. I know I won't do outside in the summer but this weather and early spring would be ideal for me.
Week of the 24th ....Well I didn't go one day. In my defense I had to prepare for an entrance exam. The drive is also a bit much. When I enrolled in the program I was working downtown. Well the first week of the program I was laid off.Which means I was driving from Douglasville to Chamblee Dunwoody....too damn much for me. I'm lazy when it comes to driving. My granny always said excuses are like assholes...we all have one!
In the end my scale at home said I lost 3 lbs. I should be happy but I'm not. I know if I would have stuck with Ellen and Lana I would have lost more...sigh
I guess I am headed back to LA Fitness until I find a job (I'm crossing my fingers that is is near Ellen and Lana). After working out at GYMnetics I dread going back to the gym but I need to remain on #teamnofat.